Christ Inside of us

For years, we have been training and equipping pastors in many nations of the world. Often we have thousands of pastors come to our seminars, where we feed and accommodate all the delegates and even cover some of their travel costs. Many of them travel on bikes, on foot or on trains for days to attend our pastors' seminar. As can be imagined, often there are great costs involved with such large events.

A while ago, we again made arrangements to hold a large pastors' conference in Tanzania. After our good friend Elias Shija from Tanzania had done much of the planning, we realized as we looked at the circumstances, there was no way we could afford to proceed with this major undertaking. Circumstances were not lining up with what we knew we needed. I had to make a decision immediately, and I had run out of ideas to how we could raise the funds needed.

On the day that I was about send the cancellation to Elias, my wife said, "Well, God spoke to us, and God has said that we have much work to do in Africa. Are we going to look at circumstances, or are we going to look at Christ inside of us who can do all things?"

Her words cut right into my heart, and I replied, "Lord, oh yes, Lord. I will trust You." Two months later we equipped thousands in Tanzania.

We can't be moved by what we see. Instead, we must be moved by what moves and lives inside of us-Jesus Christ. When we choose to live according to Christ in me, it doesn't matter what the devil throws our way. Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. Therefore, every financial need shall be met. Not one pastor will be unable to come because Christ Jesus will meet every need according to His riches in glory.

You may not believe the miracle will happen, but watch and see the mighty hand of God at work! You must live by faith and not by sight.

Youngren, David. Life From the Inside Out. Oshawa: Harvest International Ministries, 2004, p. 75-76.

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