The Perfect Card

A true story

I have a friend who has been studying to be a missionary in Hungary and plans to serve in Ethiopia (Lord willing). While at school in Hungary, she met a man from Ethiopia. As time progressed, they knew they were called to marriage. However, her parents wouldn't agree to a marriage without getting to meet the man God brought into her life. And she was asked to consider "waiting" until she finished school. As you can imagine this was not easy for her to hear. She shared with me through her e-mails how she felt the right time to get married was now. She also told me that she knows God has given her, her parents for a reason so she will carefully listen and think about their advice.

Knowing her tough situation, I decided I would send her a card to hopefully brighten her day. I work at a gift shop that has lots of cards. So I had plenty to choose from. I devoted some time to finding a card for my friend and spent a lot of time looking at a rack of Christian cards. I looked and looked for just the "perfect" card. I knew I wanted something about "waiting" in it. Unfortunately, I found nothing. I moved on to all the other card racks that didn't have a spiritual emphasis. There were many wonderful cards but they weren't what I was looking for.

Finally I said to myself, "For my friend's sake God would want her to receive a "perfect" card. I'm going to pray about it." And so I prayed that God would help me find the perfect card. I went back to the Christian cards for one last glance and out of the corner of my eye I saw a card that said: For Those Who Wait. My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it! I had looked that rack up and down many times! How could I have missed that card?? I then opened the card to find words about waiting for God's perfect timing and Romans 5:1-5 that talks about "hope does not disappoint" at the bottom of the card. I thanked God for the "perfect" card and began filling it out. Before I sealed it up I told her I hoped this card makes it over there before she returned home for summer break which was only 3 weeks away.

I sealed up the letter and took it home. And being typical me, I didn't get around to mailing the letter for at least a week. I'll write people and then never get the letter in the mail. It's really annoying that I do that. I finally remembered to mail the letter and I hoped it would get there in time. Shortly after sending that card, I received an e-mail from my friend. Below is a portion of the e-mail she sent me explaining how God brought that card to her right on time.

"... The real reason for writing this e-mail is not to reply to your humorous stories (I like to send her the HUMOR section from "Christian Voices"), but it is for a much greater reason. I received something in the mail yesterday that blew me out of the water. You have no idea what I was going through at the time I got your card. It was funny because you actually stated in the card that you hoped it got to me in time, but it didn't only get to me in time, it came at a perfect time in my life here. It was simply amazing..... I

 had received a pretty discouraging phone call the night before from someone who told me that my fiance' probably wouldn't be getting a visa to the States. My parents don't agree to a marriage until they meet him. I was so discouraged. I had cried in my bed earlier that day before lunch. Then, I checked my mail box, not expecting to find anything in it. But, for the sake of checking it, I did. That's when I saw the most beautiful envelope in the world! And inside the envelope was the most beautiful card. And inside the card were the most beautiful words. It was so perfect for my situation.

God had just been speaking to me about having peace and joy from Him and how I just needed to trust and wait on Him. It couldn't have been a more perfect card. I don't think I could even explain to you how much it affected me. Not only that, but earlier in the day, while I was doing my devotions, I was reading Romans 5:5 and it is the verse about hope not disappointing because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which was given to us. At the bottom of the card, I don't know if you remember, but it had that verse. God used that verse in my devotions. It stuck out to me and God was just telling me to hope in Him. Then the card just reminded me of it. It was so very awesome!!! .... I just thought I'd tell you that God answered your prayer of picking out the perfect card for me....."

I realize now that I didn't really send that card after all. Seems to me that the Perfect God had cooked up the whole thing Himself. I am just glad he let me participate because it brought such great encouragement to me even though I was just trying to cheer my friend up.


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