
My wife passed away in October 2003 from complications brought on by years of alcohol abuse. I joined an on-line support group for widows and widowers and met a wonderful woman - Ginny. Her husband had died from the same symptoms caused by alcohol abuse. In May of 2004 she moved from Charlotte, NC to New Jersey to be my wife. I have never been so happy.

During the summer after we married, we spent a lot of time on our deck reading. One day a memory returned to me. Many years ago, when I was in my early teens, my dad was in the hospital to have a lump removed from his neck. Across the room from him was a man. We were visiting my dad one day, when this man's wife came to visit. They kissed, she pulled up a chair, and they talked for a few minutes. Soon they both opened their books, and for an hour were completely content to just be together, no words were needed. They took great comfort in just being together. After an hour or so, they closed their books, talked for a few minutes, kissed and she was gone.

This happened about 30 years ago, and the memory comes back to me often. I remember thinking, "That is the kind of relationship I want." Quite a thought for a kid in his mid teens, however, I knew that was what I would like in a relationship.

Ginnny and I spend a lot of time out on the deck reading. The other day we were reading, our feet sharing a stool, and no words being spoken. Once in a while I would look up and say, "Gin, time for an 'I love you break', She would look up, I would say, "I love you, sweetie, and now back to our story." And I would read again. A smile came to my face when I realized I have the relationship I dreamed about 30 years ago.

I have been blessed.

Ginny inspires me to write poetry, something I hardly ever do. My heart is filled with feelings for my new wife. I have to write them.

Here are two:

And That's You

When Life's storms raged with cold, snowy winds,

There appeared someone special, warming my heart.

And that's you.

A life of winter had descended,

But a new spring came,

Bright green hope.

And that's you

When death's ugly shadow cast deep, dark gloom,

An angel swooped down

New life

And that's you.

Life's choices, a series of doors.

Sometimes we choose, sometimes we're pushed.

New door opened; the path was clear.

And that's you.

Ginny, you are my warmth, my hope, my life and my path. I love you and thank you for coming into my life.

Dear Lord

Every day I look at her

Every day I see her

Every day I feel her love

Every day I reach out, hold her, look to the sky and wonder

what I did in life to deserve her.

At night I hold her in my arms

At night I feel her warmth

At night I hear her heart beat.

At night hold her hand, shed a tear of joy, look to the sky and wonder

what I did in life to deserve her.

All week I feel such joy

All week I melt with every thought of her

All week I look forward to being near her again

All week I think of her, wait to be close her, crave her nearness, look to the sky and wonder

what I did in life to deserve her.

In all my life, have I known such happiness?

In all my life, have I known such joy?

In all my life, have I known such love?

In all my life, have I known my Ginny? I look to the sky and wonder,

what I did right in life to deserve her.

Thank you Lord

I love you, Ginny.

Michael J. Smith

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