
Matthew 6:19 - Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. (NIV)

When we first came over from Scotland, our family brought many cherished personal belongings that reminded us of the "auld country". Amongst these treasures was an old hickory-shafted putter that I had owned since I was a child. I bought it at a flea market for about five shillings. Whenever and wherever I played golf, I took the putter with me.

I was much too busy to play golf on a regular basis when I arrived in North America, so eventually I stored my golf clubs in the shed at the bottom of the garden. I thought they would be safe there, because I kept them under lock and key.

Several years passed by, and then I was invited to take part in a golf tournament for a local mission. The organizers were trying to raise money for homeless people. I suggested that they could put up my Scottish putter, which had been hand-made in St. Andrews, as a special prize. They were delighted with the offer, for they believed it would help raise a lot of money.

I went back to the shed and unlocked the door. I looked for the putter in the golf bag, but it wasn't there. I turned the bag upside down, and suddenly the steel head of the putter clanged on the ground. The hickory staff had been completely eaten by termites. My cherished Scottish putter was no more!

Jesus cautions us about setting our hearts on material things, which will eventually rust and decay. They have no eternal value, whereas life with Him is everlasting. That's where our real treasure lies, and if we cherish God's kingdom while we live here on earth, we will have riches above and beyond all that we can ever own or compare.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to value those sacred treasures that can never be diminished nor destroyed. Teach us to cherish Your words and ways, Your life and love, which last eternally. Grant us the ability to share these treasures with all whom we love and know. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart traqair@aol.com
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Thanks to http://daily.presbycan.ca

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