God, Make Things Down Here Like They are Up There

There is no place where God's presence cannot break into you. I was in the Department of Motor Vehicles two weeks ago. David asked once, "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?" If I had to take a stab at that one, I 'd guess the DMV.

I was standing in line, resenting the glacial-like pace at which everything was moving (or rather, not moving), caught up in how my little kingdom was being inconvenienced. The elderly woman in front of me was taking forever. Then the prayer came to me: "God, make things down here like they are up there." And the thought occurred to me, I could go over and see if l can help that woman. It turned out she was all alone and extremely anxious and having a hard time communicating with the man behind the desk, who could not speak English well. I spent perhaps five minutes with her. It was a tiny kindness; someone less preoccupied than I wouldn't have required a divine push at all. But for a few moments I got to help the kingdom of love be present to someone who needed it. For a few moments, the kingdom broke into the DMV.

Ortberg, John. God is Closer Than You Think. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005, p. 180 -181.

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