God Saves us All!

It was still very cold outside, after the hen hatched her remaining chicks, so we took them all inside. Our children enjoyed taking care of them, and they were delightful to play with.

One Sunday afternoon, my husband and I were sitting on our couch in the family room in front of big bay window. Our house was a large bi-level and the downstairs was kept mainly for the kids, their friends, and whatever animal we were currently allowing inside the house.

Three of our children were playing with the chicks on the floor in front of us.

I glanced out the big window and saw a car flying in mid air. The car was heading straight towards our window with my family right in it's path.

I stood up! Raised my arms, with palms wide opened I yelled!

"Oh God! Please Stop This From Happening!"

The car seemed to turn to the right and then landed with wheels still squealing in our driveway, missing the edge of the house by a few feet.

But it crashed through two of our cars. My mother's car was pushed into mine and mine was then pushed into a tree. My heavy Buick Riviera was in a "V". The car just barely missed my husband’s truck by one inch.

Expecting to see the driver dead or severely injured, my husband ran outside while I dialed the police.

The driver still had her foot on the gas pedal as she sat in shock, wheels still squealing digging deeper into the ground.

Of course my husband’s main concern was finding out if she was all right. She was, except for a broken ankle. He helped her out of the car and she sat on our front steps trying to figure out what in the world just happened.

My husband told her that I screamed out to God not to let this happen, and that saved ALL OUR LIVES!

She knew she was headed straight into our window and into the house, and she knew that suddenly the car went to the right but she didn't know how. She said that she tried to avoid hitting a deer that was crossing the road. She hit a telephone pole and then the rail road ties in front of our lawn and was catapulted into the air.

The police and first aid came. They couldn't believe the sight in our driveway. It looked like a war zone. They couldn't believe that she wasn't seriously injured. We called her husband and when he arrived he couldn't believe what he saw.

Everyone kept asking, "What in the world happened?" Her answer and ours… "GOD SAVED US ALL TODAY!"

His Angels had to turn that car in a different direction. There was no other explanation. She knew that. We all knew that!

© Carole Devecka, God Given Daisies CaroleDevecka@comcast.net

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