Are We Following The Right Light?

John 8:12a - Jesus once again addressed them: "I am the world's Light." (MSG)

Years ago, I had a kitten that I loved. It was so much fun to watch her. When we threw a candy wrapper across the room, she would bring it back to us. The game could go on all evening long.

I have an anniversary clock on which the sun shines at times during the day. When the sun shines on the turning parts, it reflects lights on the wall, going back and forth for hours. It wasn't long until Kitty saw that, and would chase the lights back and forth, back and forth, for hours. If they were too high for her to attempt catching, she would jump at them on the wall. I loved watching her do that.

I have thought about that. She was chasing a light. Kitty didn't know what that light was. All she knew was that something was moving back and forth, and true to her feline instincts, she chased it. She never did catch it though, for as soon as she got to it, it would move, and away she would go again.

John 1:43 - The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. When he got there, he ran across Philip and said, "Come, follow me." (MSG)

In our spiritual lives, we do know what the Light is, or I should say we do know Who the light is. Jesus is that Light Whom we are to follow. Wherever He goes, we are to go. The Light leads us, just like the star led the shepherds those many years ago. Oh, may we ever be conscious of seeing the Light and following it!

There are times, though, when we see another light and chase after it like Kitty did. We just can never quite catch it, but it is fun trying. It is so futile to chase after the things in this world that can't satisfy our hungry souls.

I would like to suggest that we chase after the Light of the world and follow Him. He will supply our every need -- spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Philippians 4:19 - And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (NASB)

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the Light of the world. Help us ever to keep our eyes on You and to follow You with a willing heart. You have promised to supply our every need. Help us to trust You to do so. Amen.

Judy Miller
Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

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