I Hide My Face...

I hide my face from You this day,
Shame is my friend, I bid it stay.
A yoke my sins have woven round,
My neck oh Lord, my head hangs down.

Disgraced I am for what I've done,
I turned my back upon The One,
Who gave me life and cleansed my soul.
Bound up my wounds, and made me whole.

Entangled by my sins I am,
Your wayward child, Your fallen lamb.
There's mercy at Your cross for me,
Forgiveness beckons Lord I see,

Your nail scarred hands they bid me come,
And yet Dear Lord I can't succumb,
To You, though You wait patiently,
God of Forgiveness there for me.

Your yoke was light, Your burdens few,
But still I chose to stray from You.
And now Your gaze I cannot meet,
I crumble prostrate at Your feet.

No secret meetings were arranged,
No silver coins, no kiss exchanged.
And yet I turned my back at will,
Love betrayed is betrayal still.

And now I find I can't You see
Forgive myself for hurting Thee.
I hide my face from You this day,
Shame is my friend, I bid it stay.

© 2006 by Dot McGinnis Dot720@wpa.net

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