Lolly Dilemma

At the end of a hectic day, I informed the class, “I’ve got something special in my bag. Who wants a treat?” Immediately everyone’s hand shot up.

“OK then, everyone line up,” I instructed.

As I pulled out the bag of Christmas goodies, there was a combined ‘ooh’ from the class. Everyone stood, straighter and taller in expectation.

With only one lolly at a time, as instructed, the line moved without a problem till the ninth child, a quiet little girl, put out her hand to take her special treat.

This precious youngster looked at her gift, and then our eyes met. With conundrum written all over her face, she froze, not knowing what to do. Two lollies had come out of the bag, stuck together, and she knew for her to take them would go against my expectation.

Most kids would have just ‘taken and run’, but her integrity stopped her for that instant, looking to me for the solution.I leant over and whispered in her ear. “It’s yours… take it!” The tension immediately dissipated, and life moved on. But what a moment!

How often has life dealt you something ‘out of the ordinary’? Given you the unexpected? How have you responded? Do you to stop, go to your heavenly Father and ask, “Where to from here, God?”

Here’s God’s response to Abraham’s faithfulness…

“… for I know that God is first in your life – you have not withheld even your beloved son from Me.” Genesis 22:12

TODAY, listen to what God’s whispering in your ear!

Bruce Wadd

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