Depressed from Cancer

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

God is so good, praise His holy name! Many thanks for your continued prayers and kind thoughts for my mother Rose Davies. They are very much appreciated. I thought you would welcome an update.

On Thursday afternoon I telephoned home from the office to see how Rose was. I could hardly believe what she said. She told me that an hour or so earlier that afternoon she:

"... suddenly felt like something had left me... it was like a great weight being lifted from my shoulders... I was feeling really depressed and began to feel like I was losing the battle... but I feel much better ... the depression has lifted... it's giving me a new wind to carry on fighting..."

This is remarkable, its the first time she has even admitted to being depressed - being the kind of loving person she is - she didn't want to worry US about her depression!!!

God is answering all our prayers. My mother has noticeably improved, its clear to see. She has a long way to go. Please continue with your prayers.

Rose is to see her cancer doctor again August 17, she also has an appointment at the local hospice to see the doctor there. Please keep mum in your prayers.

May God bless you.

Gary (Received on Saturdau August 5, 2000)

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