My Son, Mary Cried

My Son, my Son, Mary did cry;
Lord, why oh why, must He be crucified?
I know you told me from the very start;
But Father, my dear Father, it's breaking my heart.
As a mother, I can not stand to see Him suffer on that cross;
Father, please ease the ache in my heart for His loss.
The blood and the pain, must it really be this way;
Lord God help me be strong.......I humbly pray.
Your will be done Lord, as He goes through this last test;
But He's still the Son, that I held to my breast.
I feel every stripe on His' precious skin;
It burns inside of me Lord, from beginning to end.
Take Him Father, please take Him on home;
I will cry and bereave and be so all alone.
But I will be happy knowing He is with You safe from harm;
Until the day we're together again, and I hold Him in my empty arms.

Pat Finn

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