Children’s Christmas Service

Large churches have their pluses and minuses, as do small ones .I am thankful I have been a part of both.

When our children were in their teen years, our family worshiped at the 11 PM Christmas eve service. The hush of the congregation as candles were lit at the close of the service, along with singing of Silent Night is still- to this day- a very sweet memory for me.

However, time marches on, and we spend the holidays with grandchildren, we are blessed to attend the Children’s Service the day before Christmas. This year the church was jam packed. What a praise to God that each parent exhibited- getting their family to church during the last minute bustle of the season! Well, the pace was lively, the music delightful, the overhead screen depicting Charlie Brown reading Luke 2, and the candles lit at the end of the service – once again- as we sang Silent Night.

I noticed a man who arrived late. He had no children with him, and I wondered- had he just seen the cars outside the church and been draw in? Here, on the day before Christmas, had the Holy Spirit guided this man to come and sit in His house of worship? The latecomer’s appearance was rather shabby. Unshaven, with dirty hair tied in a pony tail, he squeezed in at the end of a pew, next to a well groomed man wearing a suit. Before long, it was the end of the service- time to light the candles and sing Silent Night. The late arriver had no candle, as they had all been distributed. The father looked to his left and noticed the situation. He then gave his candle to this man. Their eyes met; a smile formed on each face; I witnessed the love of Jesus in action. As I sat and observed from two pews behind, I thought, God bless them both. One gave; one received. And God looked down and saw the power of Jesus’ love in action.

May we all be sensitive to those who are less fortunate than we are. Let us remember the reason Christ came to earth—not just for those who had much – but for each one upon this earth. May we give to others as has been given to us, and do so with the love of Christ in our hearts.

Marion Smith

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