Be Prepared

Proverbs 24:27 (put first things first) "Prepare your work and get it ready for yourself"

On a wonderful trip to Canada, we drove from Montreal to Quebec City. There were 2 main things I observed during this 4 hour ride. The first was the phenomenal amount of firewood which was stacked near the homes of those who lived along this route. I was very surprised at the HUGH piles of wood, and that the logs were stacked and ready in the month of June- with cold weather still 4 months away. The other thing I noticed in the country side were many silos. Each little homestead had a silo and they were ready to be refilled- to be ready for winter. Also the hay was rolled and ready to be put in the barn.

If we were as prepared for our winters of life, as these folks are for their winters ,it would be a wonderful thing! You know,each pile of wood did not just appear- it had it be cut, corded and stacked requiring commitment and hard work from someone! The same was true with the grain and the hay- dedication and perseverance were necessary for these commodities to be stored for winter, when they would be needed.

Don't we need to fill up our silo- our brains- by storing God’s Word in our mind and reading the Bible each day --starting right now?. Perhaps we should cut Bible verses and God’s promises right out of those pages and stack them in my brain- a HUGE pile of them- just like the firewood was stacked. It would be beneficial to do these things so we can be prepared for the rest of our lives- be it days filled with joy or sorrow, misery or delight, good or poor health.. God’s Word is loaded with wonderful scripture for us to store. It is our privilege responsibility to do this.

Marion Smith

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