When Words Won't do What Love Can


She stood in the long line to pay her respects. She was just a few people ahead of me when we got close enough to see the family.

The father stood, appearing uncomfortable with all the fuss while mom sat unable to find the will nor the strength to greet each of us.

Because of the number of people waiting, I had the chance to watch how they responded each time someone approached them.

Tears shed, stories told, followed by hugs and hand shakes were pretty much the standard.

That is until that woman had her moment.

I watched as she slowly approached each family member. It was amazing because she never said a word. Her head simply tilted from side to side, and she nodded once in awhile.

There was a slight frown and look of concern on her face as she stooped down to pay her respects to the mother.

Everyone before her and after her spoke. She didn't have to.

I watched as a father approached his son at the end of a little league ball game. The son was very upset over the loss of the game. Dad grabbed his hand as they walked to a nearby bench. The little boy rambled on about all the mistakes that were made and how unfair an umpire was on a call he made.

The father never said a word as he placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. He smiled periodically as he shook his head in disbelief.

A young child took a tumble at the playground. It was grandma's day to babysit. The child sat for a moment appearing unshaken or hurt. That is until grandma rushed to her rescue.

As she reached down and the child raised her arms longing for the comfort of her touch, the young one suddenly burst into tears. Did she realize that she did indeed get hurt or did she suddenly remember how good grandma's love felt?

Grandma never said a word.

I am an inspirational writer and speaker. My livelihood depends on words. I live for moments like these for they create in my mind great stories to share with you.

Still, I have discovered that sometimes the greatest expression of love isn't in words. It is not what you say but what you do.

Don't ever feel that there is nothing you can say when a friend is grieving, a child feels defeated or stumbles and falls.

There are times "when words won't do what love can!"

J Bob Perks 2believe@comcast.net

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