June's Place

One of the best places to get coffee in Hammer was “June’s Place.” There were always fresh coffee and homemade cinnamon rolls to be found in the log cabin that sat at the edge of town.

Checked curtains covered the windows. A bar ran down one side with a coffee machine set up at one end, and tray of wonderful cinnamon rolls sitting beside it. It was a very comfortable place. Five tables, with wooden chairs surrounding them, filled the room. There was no cash register. An old cigar box sat on the counter where customers dropped in their money for the coffee and a cinnamon roll. Coffee refills were free and there were always those who took advantage of that. June knew they were taking more than necessary, but always said,

“Tomorrow they may just drink one, it all evens out.” June was very friendly and had a smile for everyone. She would sit at the back table and work on some craft or other she was making for orphans overseas.

When Kelsey walked over to her table and sat down, June greeted her with a nod and a smile. Before Kelsey had time to say a word, three ladies from church made their way in and headed for the table with their coffee.

They pulled a couple of chairs over so all three could sit.

Each woman seemed upset, and was full of news. Mrs. Burns looked at June and started her story.

“Do you have any idea about this 16-year-old girl who goes to our church?” She never gave anyone the chance to answer her she just went on.

“What do you think this town thinks of our church allowing this girl to come the way she is? Someone needs to talk to her and explain she needs to stop coming to church, it just looks bad.” Mrs. Henry nodded and said,

“You are so right! We need to get in touch with Pastor and tell him something needs to be done, right now!” Mrs. Jones said nothing. She sat there just listening to what the others had to say. June looked from one woman to the next, then she said,

“Ladies, this situation reminds me of a passage in the Bible. In John 8, there is a Scripture where the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. They knew that the Law of Moses said that she must be stoned. Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground with His finger. The Pharisees kept telling Jesus the Law. Jesus stood and said,

“If one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Once again, he bent and started to write in the dirt. June looked at all the women and continued,

“The people left, one by one, until Jesus and the woman were the only two standing there. The Lord then said,

“Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

“No one," she whispered. Jesus said,

“Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more.” June then looked at each of the women and said, “Don’t you believe that it would be much better for you to pray for this young girl and show the Love of the Lord, rather than condemn her?”

All three of the women stood, and walked quickly out of the building.

June had a twinkle in her eyes as she smiled.

“Don’t worry, little Kelsey, they will be back. All three of those women know His Truth and will now show this young lady mercy, as Jesus showed us mercy.”

Sharon Niese sniese3@roadrunner.com

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