Treasures Upon Earth

A merchantman, who was a Christian, was asked to help by a contribution to a certain work of a church. He gladly wrote a check for $100 and gave it to the visitor.

At that moment a cable was brought in. The merchant read it and looked troubled.

"This cable," said he, "tells me that one of my ships has been wrecked and the cargo lost. That makes a difference in my business. I'll have to write you another check."

The visitor understood and handed back the check, and the merchant wrote out another and gave it to him. When he read it, he was utterly amazed. It was for $300.

"Haven't you made a mistake?" The church worker asked.

"No," said the merchant, "I haven't made a mistake." Then, as his eyes filled with tears, he said: "That cable was a message from my Father in heaven. It read, 'Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth.' "

From Church Chimes, These Times, February 1962. With permission from Dale Galusha

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