An Angel Came

Luke 22:34 "An Angel appeared to him and strengthened him."

I will never forget the incredible blessing I received seven years ago. I can never doubt God's existence, or His love for us since this experience.

On entrance to my home I was greeted by my youngest son Adam. His words came at me like a nightmare, "Mom, the hospital called and said you have to get there right away. Jim has been in a bad accident while riding his motorcycle. He is in surgery now and has severe brain injuries."

Being a nurse myself, I knew just how bad this could be. As fear struck, I thought, I must pull myself together... Pray. As I prayed, it came to me to call a friend from church and have her alert the Pastor, and the prayer chain. After completing this task, my son's girlfriend arrived and we set off for the hospital.

I remember feeling as though I was in a fog, as I arrived through the entrance to the Emergency Room. Immediately, I ran into my nurse friend Mary. She didn't normally work the evening shift, but picked this one up due to a staff shortage. God knew I needed to see a loving familiar face. She hugged me and said the comforting words, "I believe he will live." I felt her message touch my heart.

Mary escorted me to the surgery waiting room, where I joined my ex-husband and my other son. They were anxiously awaiting further instruction, and filled me in on the prior details, as they understood them. Shortly after this, the surgeon entered to speak with us.

He told us that he couldn't perform the procedure he wanted to. The equipment was malfunctioning. He was unable to place a shunt in my son's brain to relieve the pressure. The next words out of his mouth were... "I can't promise you that your son will live. We will have to wait. We will be moving him to intensive care soon."

Upon arrival to the ICU, I eyed my son for the first time since this ordeal. My heart grieved at the site of his convulsing body there on the bed. All I could do was pray. The nurses requested that I go to the waiting area so they could tranquilize his seizures. There I was greeted by numerous friends and support people who flocked to our side. A few hours later our Pastor, along with a Deacon, his wife, and the friend I had called, arrived and gave some extra prayer support. We all said a short prayer together, as the Pastor anointed my son with oil. I then slipped down to the chapel with my friend and the Deacon's wife. I lost all track of time as I prayed in the chapel. It was just the beginning of an evening that would increase in intense prayer for my son.

As time flowed on, it must have been 11:00 p.m. Everyone was gone including family and friends, when my close friend arrived. She now joined me in prayer.

I stood vigilantly at my son's bedside as I prayed over him. I found myself waving my hands up and down across his body as I prayed. I was caught up in a Spirit of prayer I had never before experienced, as I felt a voice whispering, "You can't stop, you must keep going." My petition was not for the healing of my son, but that of loving words for my Creator.

My friend was getting tired, so she continued her vigil sitting in a chair across the room. I was driven to stay riveted right where I was, as the voice continued saying, "You can't stop." Time stood still as I went on and on in prayer. I had no comprehension of it, and then I felt an incredible heat coming from my hands, and a peace that I had never experienced before. The voice was gently whispering to me, "You can go now." I looked up at my friend across the room and repeated those words, as I said to her, " I can go now." I then walked across the room to take a seat next to my friend, who seemed dazed in her chair. As I looked at her in my own bewilderment, she said, "When you told me that you felt heat from your hands, and incredible peace, I saw an angel, strewn across you . . . Her hands were right on top of yours, and her hair draped over your hair. I asked God for a better look and, He said, ‘You are seeing her. You are seeing her with your heart.'" We stared in amazement at each other as we proceeded to leave his bedside, to go into the lounge. Entering there we found a most peaceful place, as we heard worship music coming from the television. It was Heavenly. We marveled at what God had done and reveled in His peace.

The next few days proved this experience, as the peace continued within me. Each time the Doctors came at me with their gruesome pieces of news saying, "We don't know if he'll make it, or what his condition will be if he does." That voice inside of me said, "Don't listen he'll be just fine."

I started telling everyone that Mother's Day was in three days, and my son would come out of his coma and know me. These words came true. Not only did he come out of his coma, as I suggested, but within two weeks he was out of the hospital. Within six weeks he was released to go back to work, and the Doctors were startled at his amazing recovery.

I was not baffled or bewildered as the Doctor's and staff had been. My friend and I got to experience a miracle in the making. We knew exactly how my son was healed..."An Angel Came."

Annettee Budzban copyright 2002

Annettee Budzban lives in Wildwood, IL. She has a writing ministry, "Writings From The Heart," and send devotions to friends and others. She is the author of the devotional book, Life Changing Inspirations, and writes a weekly devotional column for, The Daily Herald. She has been on e-zines and magazines. Other 2theheart stories include, That's Increbible, The Shower Incident, and Send Me A Friend.

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