The Door

Revelation 3:20 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go in and eat with him, and he with me." NIV

I have a framed print on my bedroom wall, of the famous scene painted by W. Holman Hunt, of Jesus standing at the door knocking. It belonged to my grandmother, and it always hung beside her bed, which we shared when I would visit. As a youngster though I had no idea what the painting was all about I do remember that it was always the last thing I would see at night amidst the gathering darkness and the first thing I would gaze upon as the glow of dawn crept forth.

As I matured into an adult I came to understand what the artist was seeking to portray, as Jesus stands knocking upon a door that has no handle on its’ outside. Christ desires to have an intimate personal relationship with each and every one of us, but he loves us far too much to simply barge into our lives uninvited. Rather, he patiently stands and knocks upon our heart’s door with the hope that we will choose to open it and invite him in.

Opening a door however can be done several ways. Some doors have safety locks on them allowing us to open them a crack, and speak, without ever removing the extra latch. Sometimes we may open a door halfway but still block the entrance with our body. Other times we may choose to open the door widely but only visit across the threshold. And then there are the times when we allow the door to swing to its fullest extent, invite the knocker to enter and enjoy the hospitality of our home and the intimacy of fellowship.

As I pondered these thoughts not long ago, my hope in regards to my ongoing relationship with Christ, was that the door of my heart, each and every day will stand fully open, with the welcome mat out. So that the fullness of his presence might be the last thing I enjoy at night amidst the gathering darkness and the first thing I gaze upon as the glow of dawn creeps forth.

How about you? How far is the door of your heart open when it comes to inviting in Christ, the One who seeks daily to fellowship to the fullest with each and everyone one of us?

Prayer: Father God we give you thanks that we have the opportunity each and every day to enjoy your presence and fellowship to the fullest through your Son, Jesus Christ. Grant us the faith and trust to always leave the door of our hearts wide open and the welcome mat set. In Christ name we pray. Amen

Lynne Phipps
Atlin, B.C.

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