Empty And Betrayed

She was empty, betrayed and thirsty. Usually three strikes and you're out. She had five.

Jesus met her in a region respectable people avoided. But then again, he wasn't into traditions. Tired from walking, he stops at a well for rest and a drink of water. She comes at noon, probably because of her reputation. It's not the normal time for drawing water, but it's a good time if you want to avoid the gossiping, whispering, proper ladies.

Disregarding protocol, Jesus speaks to her and asks for a drink. The woman is just as surprised as the disciples are to see him doing it when they return. She's also horrified that he knows her reputation. But it didn't matter. He was concerned about her future, not her past.

When Jesus informed the woman he had water to perpetually quench her thirst, she was puzzled. "Sir," the woman said, "you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? (John 4:11) Turns out this thirst quenching water didn't come from a well after all but in a relationship.

Nothing has changed. Life has a way of leaving us feeling empty and betrayed. By friends, spouses, children, employers, circumstances. So we try the water of another spouse, more friends, a different job, another bank. The list is endless and we're left disappointed.

Life's circumstances can't always be changed but where we look for fulfillment can. Ultimately it's not substances, relationships, or things. It's by saying the same thing the woman did: Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here. Conquer negative feelings and actions by inviting Jesus into your circumstances.

Prayer: Father in heaven, remind us only You can fill our life's voids.

Martin Wiles mandmwiles@homesc.com
Harleyville, South Carolina, USA

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