My Testimony

My mother has a farm where we go as a family during holidays and help her. Usually when we are not there we used to have one or two workers to help her around the farm and of course a small boy to attend the cattle. Due to financial difficulties that we were facing as a family we were not able to hire labour for our mother and she had only a small boy to rely on. All l could do was pray for her that he may get someone to help her since the boy was too small to do all the chores but nothing materialized. Time was running out and she needed to build a house before rainy seasons since the one she was living in had problems and was leaking all over.

She managed to gather some materials on her own but still she had a challenge. Though she paid the builders their wages they needed water to do the job. The nearest river is about 5km from home and she needed about 3 to 4 drums of water thus 210L ea drum. Though she had drums she didn't have money or even couch-cart to fetch the water with. When l called her saying that l was praying that God sent someone to help you and she laughed and said I'll pray that God gives me more energy to fetch that water and insisted that she will fetch a drum per day using 20L buckets to fill the drum.

It was a simple task if you have all the equipment but it was indeed huge task to her since she was going to do this by herself imagining the route she was going to use the one with cliffs here there and at her age and that she was going to make 9 to 10 trips l felt that lump at my heart that l could not explain but could not dispute about it as she was willing to do this. L tried to talk to her so that she can look for labour from our neighbours and who l will pay later but it was unfruitful. The river was almost dry and needed one to dug though the sand about half a meter here and there to get water as signified by one who wanted to help and was too costly to hire him. Well we told her to do that on her own pace whilst we pray that God guide her.

She fetched about 60L of water and she was tired and sat home to rest for a while it way past lunchtime. When suddenly there was a thick cloud over her homestead. She ran around in total surprise not knowing what was happening. Putting hens in their cage and there was no time for her to look for Gibson our small helper to come home and it started raining heavily followed by thunderstorms.

There is a small hole which was dug last season which is half a metre width by half metre in length and half a metre in depth which was dug whilst they wanted to harvest. When my mom saw rainwater collecting in that hole she was glad her problem was over. Without waiting for the rains to subside she started collecting water for the builders in her drums and all were full to the bream. Just after filling the drums the rains stopped. Our neighbours were totally surprised about the event and she too was shocked because it only rained in our homestead only. Our fields were dry, our neighbours saw the cloud and smell the fresh start of rains when it poured but it never rained in their fields too. Everybody was amazed by what had happened. Every cloud vanished in the sky and was as hot as before. Other villagers around out village came to see this miracle with disbelief some saying this is witchcraft and so forth but we as a family we give glory to God when God does what is beyond everyman's imagination or assumption their line of thinking is only devil can do this.

That's my testimony and may God bless your ministry.

Esther Mbombi

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