60,000 Baht

"So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear? For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." (Matt 6:31- 33, NIV2)

I am missionary in Thailand. My wife Marisa is Thai. She had breast cancer, and had a breast removed. After her operation, the people from cashier office in this hospital came to collect the money. I told them I would not have the money to pay for operation for 10 days. They said Marisa could not leave hospital until their bill was paid. But after 10 more days, the bill would be so high that I could not pay then either. We are members of Thai church and our pastor and wife were there in the room also and so we prayed for God to provide for us a way. In less than 5 minutes Marisa's mobile phone rang.

She answered and began to cry. She just kep saying, "Thank you God."

It was her sister from Marisa's home in Nakhon Sawan. They are from a poor, tiny farming village far from everything. Her sister Wan said a man in a big black car drove up to their house. He asked Wan who owned the land behind the big tree. Wan said, "Do you mean that swamp?" He said: "Yes."

She said I don't know, so she asked her other sister Jhon, who told her that when their father died he had several pieces of useless swamp land. He left it all to the children, even though it was worthless and everyone forgot about it. Jhon said: "The land behind the tree belongs to Marisa." Marisa did not even know about it as she was in Korea when her father died. The man asked how much they would sell it for. They said: "Why do you want it? It is a useless swamp." The man said, is this enough? He pulled out over 60,000 baht, which is about 2,000 dollars and gave it to Wan. She said there are no papers for it. He said, "I don't care." He drove away.

This happened over 2 years ago. This land still sits there and no one has ever returned to do anything with this land.

The bill for the opertion was exactly 60,000 baht. Praise the Lord!

Paul Almstead, Thailand

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