Five Promises to Erase Loneliness

I Zipped my suitcase shut. And my 4’10”, white-haired Mom walked in. “I worry about you traveling alone,” she said. “Someone will be staying with you in the hotel, right?”

I imagine having her blind daughter travel to another country by herself concerns her.

“Sure,” I reassure her to erase worry because after all, traveling to speaking engagements is one of the passions I have.

Although I’ll have no human accompany me, I’ll have someone better—the Holy Spirit.

Think I’m kidding? God’s way to make sure we’re never alone and know how to conquer loneliness is true.

How else can I, being blind, navigate through hotel rooms, unpack, find the bathroom, get ready and sing with confidence while doing it?

I admit. Sometimes, temptation to feel lonely tries to slip in. But I have found five ways to conquer it:

In the hotel room of loneliness, the Holy Spirit is the concierge to meet all our needs.

His presence is certain.

His protection is constant.

His companionship is sweet

His comfort is forever.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever, the Spirit of truth” (John 14:16).

Father, sometimes even when surrounded with people, the loneliness is cruel. But thank you for filling the void. For bringing reassurance to every moment. For whispering protection and provision. Thank you for sending your Holy Spirit, for we know you’re present now, and you’ll be present in the happenings of our tomorrows. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Feeling lonely lately?

Who fills that void?

Where do you look for comfort?

Janet Eckles Blindness tried to darken Janet’s life. And tragedy tried to defeat her through the murder of her youngest son followed by the acquittal of the man responsible. But instead of defeat, Janet found peace. And God’s grace brought sweet triumph. So Janet gathered insights, claimed God’s promises, and found practical steps to bring back joy. She put them all together for you in her latest book, Simply Salsa: Dancing Without Fear at God’s Fiesta.

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