Blessed Rain

Blessed Rain

"This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it." (Ps. 118:24 NKJV); "I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing." (Ez. 34:26 NKJV) 

The mountains of my home are in the middle of a drought right now. We haven't had any real rain in over a month. The September heat has cooked us like it was July. The grass has turned a burnt brown and crunches under my feet as I walk on it. The beautiful Autumn leaves have started to turn brown and die instead of turning to vibrant reds and yellows. The rivers have turned into trickles and the deer are frantically foraging for food.

That is why when it turned cloudy and colder today I didn't have my hopes up. When I went to walk my dogs this morning, however, I opened the door to find water falling from the sky. It wasn't a sprinkle. It wasn't even a drizzle. It was a downpour. Sheets of rain pounded the dry ground. I could almost see the grass and trees sigh with relief and joy. I picked up my dusty rain hat and walked outside into the deluge dragging my dogs along. Even my furry friends didn't seem to mind getting a cold shower. The air had a delicious sweetness to it as I breathed it in. I didn't mind that my shirt was soaked and my shoulders were chilled. I watched the little streams flowing down the side of the road and smiled. I stomped in the puddles like a seven year old and laughed. I didn't know if it was an end to the drought or not but I felt so good just being out in this blessed rain. And I thanked God for every drop of it.

Why do we so often have to be deprived of something to truly appreciate it? I had never been a fan of rainy days until I went weeks and weeks without one. That is why I am going to spend the rest of this morning giving thanks for rain and sunshine, food and water, shelter and warmth, family and friends, grass and trees, love and joy, light and life, and every blessing that our Heavenly Father has ever given us. May you all do the same. May every blessing God has given you find a home in your heart and flow through you to bless others as well.

Joesph J. Mazzella


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