The Rancher: A Modern Day Parable

The Rancher: A Modern Day Parable

"... for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills." (Ps 50:10 NIV)

A tribe in a remote part of a vast land in Africa could not repay taxes owed to the Government. After a long time, it was decided by the Government that unless the money was paid by a certain date and time; the entire tribe; men, women and children will be executed.

Came the date and time; no moneys ensued to repay the taxes. The army advanced and was ready to take aim and execute the tribe.

Suddenly on the hill in the fading sunset a horseman rode in. He was known in the area as 'the Rancher' who owned many cattle in the hilly land. He shouted out to the General just as the soldiers were taking aim to fire on the tribe: "Stop! How much does this tribe owe?"

The General halted his soldiers and responded with the amount owed.

The Rancher put his hand into his saddlebag and took out a wad of notes and paid the debt.

The chief of the tribe approached the Rancher with a grateful heart. He responded: "How can we ever repay you?"
The Rancher remarked, "Tell the other tribes, 'He who owns the cattle in the hilly country repaid your debt and saved you.'"
From that day onwards the tribe forever praised and honoured the Rancher who saved them.
Pastor Ronnie Naidoo 
Written 7 June 2015 @ 06:15  

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