Bloom Where You are Planted

It is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy (1 Corinthians 4:2).

An important concept about the will of God that my students hear at seminary is, "Bloom where you are planted." Be the best you can be at your present assignment, and stay there until God calls you elsewhere.

Oftentimes my students will say, "There are no openings to serve at my church!" My response, "Oh, yes there are. They're probably begging for someone to teach third-grade boys." The momentary silence reveals this thought: "But anyone can teach third-grade boys. I had something bigger in mind." Like maybe an opening in the Trinity!

Take the opportunity before you and teach those third-grade boys. Decide to be the best teacher they've ever had. You may start with only three little boys, but at the end of that year you've got 12 boys excited about God, Sunday school and church. Next year, when the personnel committee needs to fill leadership positions, they say, "We need some new life on the Christian education committee." Somebody aware of the fruit you are bearing says, "There's this guy doing a bang-up job with our third graders. Let's ask him to be on the committee."

Now that you are on the Christian education committee, decide to be the best committee member you can be. It won't be long before they recognize your initiative and say, "We could use this person on the board." Determine to become the best possible board member you can. Then an opening develops for an intern and guess who the people suggest! People hearing of your faithfulness and aware of the fruit you are bearing ask you to consider a full-time pastoral position. So you become the best youth pastor, small group pastor, or college minister you can possibly be. Before long you'll be bearing so much fruit that other churches will be inquiring about your availability.

God guides those who bloom where they are planted.

Dr. Anderson, Freedom in Christ and Harvest House Publishers

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