The Soapbox

Sharon was bone tired and was ready to call it a day. The restaurant had been so busy all night as the whole town seemed to have come in for “all you can eat fish night”. It was already past quitting time but still work had to be done before going home.

The other waitresses were sitting at the head table with feet propped up and in a deep conversation. It was then Sharon hear Jackie say, “Be careful, or Sharon will hear you and get on her soap box again.”

Jan laughed and said, “Oh no, lets see what she thinks about homosexuality. “Sharon is there anything wrong with women being with women and via versa?”

Sharon carefully laid the cleaning cloth down and walk slowly toward the table where all 4 were sitting and she noticed how Jackie was snickering. She kept her eyes on Jackie and said, “Well, it is a stench in God’s nostrils and is not normal.” I did not say this, God’s Word says it.

Jackie laughed and said, “I told you not to say anything for now she will get on her soap box and we won’t shut her up.”

Sharon smiled. “I only answered the question. Just as I did yours earlier. You asked me about abortion. I told you it was murder and I stand on that. For the Bible tells me that God knew us before we were formed in the womb. I believe that life begins at conception. Thus, to kill the baby, not fetus, is murder. I also believe this nation will be held accountable for this injustice for the baby cannot speak for itself so someone has to. I don’t agree with bombing abortion clinics or any violence toward the Dr.’s that murder these innocent but I will call it what it is.

I guess you can say I get on my soapbox but let me tell you that it was not that long ago that I was exactly where you all are. I was lost and so down that not even the drugs or booze would lift me up. You think I don’t know what you call a good time is. I lived it. Don’t you remember we owned a bar and I joined in with al the good times. But, they weren’t good times, they were shallow and hollow. I was lost and so very lonely, even when surrounded by many people. I was miserable.

Then I made the most important decision in my life. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and He changed my life. When I realized just how much He loved me I broke. He does not love me anymore than he loves each of you. If you were the only person in the world, He would have went to that cross and died for you. That is true love. He changed my life and there is no way I would go back to the good old days. I am happier than I have ever been. I have a peace that I never knew existed.

Anyone can get this by just accepting what He did for them on the Cross. So, you can say I get on my soap box and maybe I do. But, what soap box are you on? What do you have that brings you peace? The bottle of beer, the pot, or another man? Well, I have the knowledge that Jesus loves me so much He died for me and I will keep this and treasure it. It is His gift to one and all.”

Sharon looked at each of them to see if anything had penetrated to them and wondered if they even heard what she had said. She smiled and said, “I am off my soapbox now and I am out of here, goodnight.”

With that she picked up her purse and walked out the front door. She whispered, “Lord, I planted the seed, now in the name of Jesus, send someone to water it.”

By Sharon Niese

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