Do you Settle for Pennies?

When God grants the request, we walk away. More important than the pennies in God's hand is God Himself.

Prayer Is a Two-Way Conversation.

I used to play a similar game with my grandpa, Bill Henkel. When we visited him as young children, he would often hide a quarter or 50-cent piece in his hand. (For you youngsters, yes, they used to have half-dollars.) After teasing us for awhile, he would give us the coin, which we knew all along would be ours. Off we would dash to the ice cream store or candy shop. (And yes, back then you could do that with a quarter!)

Years later, however, my interest in Grandpa changed. I didn't care as much about his hand as I did his face, eyes and voice. I loved to sit very close to him and ask questions about his childhood, my mother's upbringing, his conversion to Christ or just life in general. I would euprosedros-sit as close as possible-and listen intently. It wasn't that Grandpa was such a great storyteller, but simply that he was telling the stories. I wanted to know as much as I possibly could from him and about him before he moved to heaven, which is where he now lives.

Have you graduated from the Father's hand to His heart, His face and His voice? Or do you settle for pennies?

Watchman Prayer by Dutch Sheets, p. 53. Copyright 2000 Gospel Light/Regal Books, Ventura, CA 93003 Used by Permission

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