Enduring Portraits

Beneath the softly spoken grandeur
Of the stirring wind filled trees;
Earth is blanketed, majestically
With God's awesome colored leaves.
Now, the leaves they die and wither,
And their passing man bereaves.
Yet, this show' is far from over
For another act, God weaves;
To cover up the mess that's made
He, flakes of snow upon us heaves;
Thus, lost to earth is one more year
And what man loses, man for grieves!

Then again Spring looks upon us
When the hand of God conceives
And the world once more awakens,
As God's power again man sees.
Now then, the pretense of this ditty
Is not to placate nor appease;
But to resurrect a faith in God
And to put one's mind at ease.
For with God's plan unfolding,
(just as pretty as you'd please).
All the proof is in the pudding.
When faith in God, man so believes!

Written Under My Pen Name
Dick Evans HoarMoaner@aol.com 
Copyright  © aug 2003
All Rights Reserved

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