His Mysterious Ways

"As you do not know what is the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, so you do not know the works of God who makes everything. " — Ecclesiastes 11:5 (KJV)

I received an unexpected phone call from an old work acquaintance. She explained to me that God had placed it on her heart to call and thank me for what I had done for her. This piqued my curiosity, because I didn't remember doing anything for her.

She went on to say that while we were sitting in a meeting regarding our employee concerns, she heard me make the statement, "I have done all I can about this problem, I am going to give it to God."

Those words struck a chord with her heart. At that moment, she realized that she wasn't giving anything in her life to God. She was trying to run her own life. Hearing those words that day, changed this for her. From that day forward, she began to submit her attitude toward Him.

For a long time, she had been struggling with her infertility, when trying to conceive a second child. She had placed the blame on her husband for her failed attempts to get pregnant and considered bailing out of her marriage. But now she decided to work on her marriage and place her desire for a second child on the back burner.

After examining her heart, regarding the treatment of her husband and others, she purposed herself to be more kind and considerate to them. With time, she chose to stay away from critical people and gossips. Over a period of time, changes started to occur in her life. She received a new job that was a better fit for her personal and family needs. New friendships came her way. She felt better about herself!

She finalized our conversation by saying, "I called to thank you, because I recently revealed to someone the need for God in their life and they thanked me for it. Their act of gratitude made me realize it was something that I needed to do, also."

I spoke with her a few months later. She was delighted to give me her good news (of which she waited 10 years). "The strangest thing has happened," she exclaimed. "Within one month of our conversation, I found myself pregnant! My due date will be at Christmas." We couldn't help but wonder if my friend was reaping the rewards of an obedient life.

On any given day, we never know how the wind of the Holy Spirit is going to work in our life. We should always be ready to expect the unexpected, when it comes to His mysterious ways.

Annettee Budzban is an author, freelance writer and religion columnist. He new book When Heaven Whispers, will be available soon. Her e-mail address is ahrtwrites2u@aol.com

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