I Need Another One

You will recall the testimony of Polly Simchen who came to me with a handkerchief and said, "Would you pray over this? We're going to cut it up and put a piece everywhere our son goes. We're going to hide it everywhere we can." As she shared earlier, Polly would come to me every once in awhile and say, "I've run out of them. I need another one." So we would pray and douse another one in the anointing of God.

She hid one piece under the insole in her son Jonathan's shoe and he loaned his shoes to a friend. This was the most radical drunk, burned-out freak I'd seen in a long time. The friend made a mistake! He wore the wrong person's shoes! No, actually his life was saved-radically saved, filled with the Spirit of God and turned on for Jesus. Jonathan lost a rowdy friend because the friend became so filled with the presence of God that Jonathan couldn't stand to be around him anymore. As we mentioned earlier, Jonathan is now also living for the Lord.

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, p.210-211. 1996, Gospel Light/Regal Books, Ventura, CA 93003. Used by Permission.

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