Not a Fly

In her biography Go Home and Tell, Bertha Smith tells of traveling by rickshaw to a primitive village in China to devote several days to evangelistic work. Her living conditions were squalid; she shared a stall with an ox and with swarms of flies.

Finally she prayed, "Lord, I am one of Your spoiled children. All my life I have been accustomed to screened houses and clean food. Now, I just can't eat with those flies all over my food. Down in Egypt You had flies come and go at Your word. You are the same today…. Now please do one of two things for me: either take the flies away, or enable me just to go ahead and eat and not mind them. You then take care of any disease germs which they may put into my body... Whichever You wish to do will be good enough for me!"

Which do you think God did?

"Not a fly flew into that ox stall the remaining five days that I was there witnessing and teaching!" Wrote Bertha. "You will agree that was a miracle."

Robert J. Morgan, The Red Sea Rules. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001, p. 84.

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