If Only

If only I had stopped you
as God impressed on me to do
I could have said my last goodbye
If only I had told  you that I love you
As I always seemed to do
I would not be in this despair today
It was my last chance but I did not know

If only I had held you tight befor you left
I would not feel so guilty within myself
If only I had taken the time to sit and listen
You could have told me how awful that you felt
Maybe that would have helped
If only I had taken you to some wonderful place
You would have not been in such total distress
If only I had been more sensitive to you being upset
Maybe you  would have stayed and not left
If Only I had known it would have been our last day
Together to say the things that I needed to say
If only are two tiny words that only today
I could let myself say
Do I feel guilty of that last day
I suppose I do or I would not have thought
Of all the IF ONLY'S that crossed my mind today

Sarah Berthelson folks@berthelson.com

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