A Little Bit of Clay

Today as I sat and thought about my Lord Jesus

A man that could not see came into my thoughts
Jesus placed a little bit of clay on his eyes and he could see
Oh how blind are we
How I get lost in the things of the world
I do not know what He is saying to me
His desire is for me to trust in Him
I need a little bit of clay
Living each day for Him, I believe
Yet I stray, so easily when I am deceived
I need a little bit of clay
Why are we looking so sad and forlorn
As if our Savior had never been born
We need a little bit of clay
There are troubles on every side
We need Jesus to be our guide
Ask for a little bit of clay
Jesus has not left me not once in my life
I run into the world when I face strife
What does it take to find my way
I  need Jesus to give a little bit of clay
God bless us today and fix the broken
Help us to understand all the words you have spoken
Come into our life with a little bit of clay
Let us see clearly the mistakes of today
Realizing we need a little bit of clay
Thank you Jesus for the little bit of clay
When I remembered just what to say
To the lady in need that came today
Because of you I was able to pray
For a little bit of clay
Sarah Berthelson  folks@berthelson.com

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