Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels Protection A gang of men walked stealthily in the moonlight, first through then around the village, armed with machetes, hunting rifles and pistols. Some stumbled on the rough pathway, due more to the liquor they had been drinking than not knowing the pathway. Occasionally a dog would bark or a donkey would bray; but otherwise it was quiet since most people had retired for the night in the rural village . Yet in one house at the riverbank, light could be seen and voices could be heard in the stillness of the night. Here a small group of Christians with their young pastor, Samuel Ramirez, had come together for worship and intercessory prayer for their neighbors and village people of Zapata. They had not the slightest notion that at exactly the same time some village men, for whom they were praying, were plotting to bring them harm, mutilate or kill them. All that the Christians had in mind was to worship their new found Savior and Redeemer Jesus and to pray for their neighborhood.

When the disreputable gang crept through a riverbed and looked up to the house, they could not believe their eyes! In the illuminated moonlight, obscured by some clouds, they could clearly see tall men in uniform, carrying arms, standing around the house! After another look, one after the other, they fled in bewilderment each to his own house wondering where all the federal soldiers had come from!

In the following days they approached the Christians with respect and inquired, "Where did you get the soldiers who were standing guard around your house on the riverbank?" Samuel was puzzled at first by their questions, but then he and the other Christians realized that God had sent his angels to protect them from harm. Eventually all the men apologized for their action except the ringleader, a policeman. But when he was smitten with a painful disease and could not venture outside because he had to wear his wife's skirt. He too repented, apologized and asked the Christians to pray for his healing and the Lord in his great love healed the man instantly.

In the following years the body of believers multiplied and a church building was erected where from time to time we would come to show Gospel films.

Another miracle took place during a time of a severe drought in the state of Guanajuato. The Christians fasted and prayed that the Lord, who "sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous" (Matthew 5:45) would send rain. He answered that same night by sending a superabundance of rain, but only in Zapata and the surrounding area.

De Jong, Albert. Two Soldiers in God's Victorious Army. 2002, p. 131-132.

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