Jesus I Love you

Jesus I love you and thank you for your love for me
If it were not for your love, I could not get through the day
That is the reason I kneel and pray
Jesus I Love you

You came into the world to save me from sin
You are my father, my Lord and my King
I am so humbled by your love I don't know where to begin
To tell you ,how much I love you
Thank you for getting me through this valley today
Pull me back up on the mountain, I know I won't stay
It is the valley where I call on you and pray
Jesus I love you
You are my friend who rides with me in the car
Everywhere I go there is where you are
I do not fear because you are there
Jesus I love  you
When my heart is breaking and there are tears
You lift me up and take away my fears
God I am so blessed to know you are there
Jesus I love you
Thank you for giving me a family that I love
Because of you I know one day I will fly like a dove
To Heaven where there will no heartbreak or tears
Jesus I love you

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