Even an unanswered Prayer?

More than half a century ago, George Muller began to pray for a group of friends. I asked Mr. Muller, a short time before he died, if he had asked anything of God that had not been granted, and he told me he had prayed sixty-two years, three months, five days, two hours - with his mathematical precision - for two men to be converted, and neither of them showed any signs of that happening.

I said, "Do you expect God to convert them?"

"Certainly. Do you suppose that God would put upon His child for sixty-two years the burden of two souls if He had no purpose of their conversion?"

Shortly afterward he died, and I was preaching in his pulpit, in Bristol, and referred to this occurrence. As I was going out, a lady said,

"One of those men was my uncle, and he was converted, and died a few weeks ago."

I understand that the other man was brought to Christ in Dublin.

By A. T. Pierson Signs of the Times, Pacific Press, December 3, 1912. With permission of Dale Galusha dalgal@pacificpress.com

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