Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy

Due to a botched eye operation that should have been simple, Blair has suffered chronic intractable pain in his right eye ever since. It has now been diagnosed as RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) - a nerve continually short circuiting. No relief was in sight until ...

"Just an update on my friend Blair. I searched the internet and got onto a site that caters to people with Blair's type of pain. Some advice proved useful i.e. take a little Epsom salts daily. This has the effect of cleansing the system and also stimulates the natural pain relieving endorphins in the brain. That gave enough relief to take the edge off the pain.

We also got a free internet referral to a Dr. Hooshmand in Florida who is an absolute expert on Blair's problem. He has emailed Blair with advice of a simple course of nerve blocks applied to 3 different nerve centres.

To make this work Blair's doctor will have to contact Dr. Hooshmand for advice as to the mixture of anaesthetics to use, strengths, time, repetitions etc. Blair is still trying to find a doctor here who knows enough about what he is doing to take it on. If he can't get suitable attention soon, he will fly to the US and consult Dr. Hooshmand himself. Fortunately he can raise the funds to do that.

So it appears there is light at the end of the tunnel and that has cheered him tremendously. Thank you and others who held Blair up in prayer. It is wonderful that there are people like Dr. Hooshmand who are willing to give free advice to help out with a problem like this. At least Blair is not an immediate suicide risk anymore."

Lance (Received on Tuesday May 2, 2000)

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