The Bone

Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." NIV

My five pound Yorkshire terrier, Sienna made me laugh the other day when I glanced up and saw her struggling and staggering around the yard carrying a bone. The bone was meant for the large outside dogs who weigh seventy to eighty pound and it's mammoth size was too large for her to even get her little mouth around it properly to have the enjoyment of a good gnaw.

As I watched and contemplated this scene it made me consider the importance of thankfulness: being thankful for what we have instead of always wanting something bigger or better or different than what God has supplied.

Sienna had literally, by snatching up this large bone, bitten off more than she could chew or enjoy. In fact this bone was nothing more than a big burden for her something which she eventually realized and thus laid aside.

Likewise when we are always wanting more than what we have, we too are biting off more than we can chew, some might even call it a bone of contention. For a discontented spirit leads us away from God not closer to Him. Why? Because regular discontentment with our lot eventually takes us along the paths of envy, self pity, depression, discouragement, anger, hatred and yes, for some people, even thievery or murder to get more of the things we think we should have or want.

Whereas a thankful spirit draws us closer to our Lord for it produces joy, hope, encouragement, generosity and inner peace, the very spirit of the Living Christ within us, which is indeed the best gift of all. For has he not promised that he will never leave us or forsake us? And with Christ within us we do indeed have everything we need to fill our lives with contentment and joy whether we have much or little in regards to the things this world offers.

So today let us choose to consider carefully: Discontentment or thankfulness? Ones' a burden, the other a gift.

Prayer: Father God thank you for your wonderful gift of Jesus who is able to fill us up with all that is necessary for us to live joyful lives filled with inner peace and contentment amidst every and all situations. In Christ's name we pray. Amen

Lynne Phipps Atlin, B.C.

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