The Tea

The Tea

2 Corinthians 7:6 "Then God who cheers those who are discouraged refreshed us by the arrival of Titus." Living Bible


I was having a difficult day. Living in a small, remote town has both its joys and challenges. For me one of the challenges is a lack of opportunities to experience new and different things. As in any tiny community there is a lot of the same old same old which can become a little wearing from time to time.


In light of my discouragement I decided to keep busy and get my mind off of the issue. So I cleaned the house with vigour and did some baking, but it all seemed futile. Even my afternoon walk with the dogs along our favourite trail did nothing to alleviate my glum attitude. As we headed back home along the path however, I noticed a friend of mine out in her yard. She hollered at me and of course the dogs ran down to meet her and her canine companions. Following along behind, I greeted my friend and accepted her offer to come in for a cup of tea, which for me became a cup of cheer.


As we sat and chatted and discussed everything from the weather to baking to the latest happenings in town, my discouragement was transformed into encouragement. Everything became right with my world once again. The dark cloud lifted and the sun shone through.


Wow, I thought, as I headed home with tail wagging dogs in tow that was great. I once again felt refreshed and content to be living exactly where the God who cheers those who are discouraged, had placed me.


How about you? Are you feeling discouraged today? If so then I heartily encourage you to keep your heart and eyes open for the way in which the God who cheers those who are discouraged wants to refresh you, for God is faithful not only to who He is but also to those who are His. So be prepared for His cheer is on the way, and the form in which it appears may take you as completely unaware as it took me.

Prayer: Father God, thank You that You are the One who can be counted on to cheer those who are discouraged. Refresh each one today, whose heart is heavy, in such a way that they are open and able to see and receive the blessing You have prepared for them. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Lynne Phipps Atlin, B.C.

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