Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

On one occasion when Joanne and I returned around midnight from a rural village in the state of Guanajuato, we had to cross through the same three brooks we had crossed earlier that day with out any hindrance. When we were in the middle of the last one, about 60 yards wide, the engine stalled. We sat there for a while just praising the Lord that his Word had gone out that evening and would bring everlasting fruit to His glory. The full moonlight sparkled in the water and the only sound we could hear in the "nowhere" was the gurgling sound of water entering the car. We prayed and "by faith" turned the ignition key and how sweet was the sound of the Horizon engine springing to life again to slowly climb up the muddy embankment to safer ground!

De Jong, Albert. Two Soldiers in God's Victorious Army. 2002, p. 138.

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